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Want 30% off? Become a distributor!

For only a $30 startup fee and $15 yearly, you can order from Waiora at wholesale prices. This means you save up to 30% on all of Waiora's products, including Natural Cellular DefenseTM. Clearly, becoming a Waiora distributor is one of the best decisions you can make for both your health and your pocketbook!

You can become a distributor simply for the pricing benefits, or you can take it a step further and use your discounts to sell the product. Doing both would be ideal, as you can benefit from zeolite for less money and spread the word about it as well. Either way, becoming a distributor will be a very rewarding experience.

To join, click the button below - click "Join" on the top navigation - click "Become a distributor", then scroll down to the botton and click "Just send my Distributor Kit" - enter your information and you're done! You'll then be emailed the login information and you can start getting wholesale discounts right away. Please email us if you have any questions.

Become a Waiora Distributor

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